About us

Who are we?

Ghent Fair Trade is fair trade in good company.

The City of Ghent and Oxfam World Shop Ghent Centre put Fair Trade on the map, together with a broad group of partners. Through public actions and programmes we increase the visibility and the offer of fair trade.

Would you like to become a partner or participate in our projects? Contact us.

More information on the project partners

Gent Fair Trade is a partnership between the city of Ghent and Oxfam Wereldwinkel Gent-centrum

Gent Mondiaal (City of Ghent)

Gent Mondiaal is the City's team that puts Ghent's global solidarity ambitions into practice. They do so with as focus themes: fair trade, human rights and decolonisation. You can come to them for educational offers for schools and numerous public activities. Moreover, associations working for social justice can apply for support, both financially and through the use of their buildings.

Learn all about Ghent Mondiaal here

Oxfam Wereldwinkels Gent

Oxfam-Wereldwinkels ontwikkelt zélf producten van eerlijke handel en biedt de consument op die manier een concreet alternatief. Hun producten vind je onder meer in meer dan 200 Oxfam-Wereldwinkels.

In Gent vind je 7 wereldwinkels:
• Drongen: Domien Ingelsstraat 2
• Gent-centrum: Lammerstraat 16
• Gentbrugge-Ledeberg: Leo Tertzweillaan 2
• Gent St Pieters: Maria Hendrikaplein 5
• Mariakerke: Brugsesteenweg 526
• Oostakker: Lourdesstraat 55
• Wondelgem: Vierweegsestraat 24