Fair tourism in Belgium: coast

Belgian coast

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And who said that one only goes to the sea to swim?

In today's guide we propose several activities on the Belgian coast that go beyond swimming in the sea! Are you ready?

Photo by Arnaud Nütten on Unsplash

Koksijde Doornpanne


Feeling like going for a hike? There are a lot of options depending on how long or how much you feel like walking.

One option is to follow the Koksijde Doornpanne walk with 8,00km Sloping, you will enjoy multiple dune types such as drifting dunes, dune lime grasslands, densely vegetated pans and fixed inner dunes. A 'panne' is a centrally located broad and shrubby or shrub-rich depression.

Another route is the one that goes from Knokke to Zwim park for 12km. The Zwin nature park is really worth a visit! The destination is known as “international birds airport' ', and the landscape is astonishing.

There are multiple more, like the 5,5km route that goes from Oostende to Oostende Heritage or the one in the natural reserve of De Han Duinbossen, one of the greenest areas next to the coast in Belgium of 10,3km. There exist many routes, but some other suggestions are the Bredene Heritage walking route of 4km or the Blankenberge Uitkerske Polder walk.

Photo by Wouter Pattyn on natuurpunt.be


The Crystal ship is a free exhibition spread around Oostende, you can discover the city while discovering its street art. Another option is Parkies, a music festival shared with the neighboring country, the Netherlands. The concept is a festival that takes place during the whole summer, with an extensive line up in different parks.

Photo: westtoer.be

Crystal ship copyhendrikhaven
The coastal tram at knokke alain rouiller flickr


Between the activities that you can do by the sea, we recommend getting the tram by the sea. This way you can visit the beautiful cities of the 40kms Belgian coast. During the summer you can find a flea market each weekend in almost every city, from Knokke to Blankenberge or Nieuwpoort. In Middelkerke, for several Sundays you can enjoy diverse music and aperitif fun, each time enjoying nice music bands and a cozy atmosphere in a different beautiful location. A delicious aperitif with a snack, complemented by beautiful music. Make sure you're there because every time, there is a surprising music group not to be missed!


Photo: theculturetrip.com

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