We prepared bruschetta this week, perfect for a summer apero, starter or as a tapa. This old recipe dates from the 15th century in Italy, but can be traced back to the roman empire. We went to Oxfam to get some Italian ingredients that we felt were the best for us. In Italy, specially in the south, the mafia supposes a structural problem, their power reaches big companies, bureaucracy and some city halls. Moreover, the control of the mafia over the agriculture of the country makes it sometimes difficult to know if the Italian product that we can buy was produced by these criminal organizations.
However, these days there exists initiatives around Italy to provide alimentary products that ensure their production far from the hands of the mafia. It is the case of the products that you can find in Oxfam by the brand Libera Terra (freed land). We decided ourselves for Italian southern products such as the sicilian aubergine caponata, the pugliese sun dried tomatoes and organic red pesto, but there are other appealing options like tapenade, passata or salsa piccante.
The Bruschetta we made this week counts with the following ingredients:
- A loaf of ciabatta bread
- 1 pot of Fair trade aubergine caponata
- 1 pot of Fair trade sun dried tomatoes
- 1 can of organic red pesto
- Goat cheese
- Some chopped chives
- Olive oil
- A few cloves of garlic
The process is very quick and easy, even those less good at cooking can make delicious bruschetta!