Oxfam Wereldwinkel Gent-centrum is the largest world shop in Ghent. You will find a wide range of honest, high-quality products. Both fair food and textiles can be found. You can also shop there via the webshop. Oxfam Wereldwinkel Gent center also offers educational material. A class visit is also possible.
Who says fair trade, says Oxfam Wereldwinkels. The Gentse Wereldwinkels have a nice range of accessories, from rings to wallets. In the shop in the center of Ghent, in the Lammerstraat, the designs of Joksie and Yak & Yeti can also be found, for example. Moreover, it is the only store in Ghent where clothes are also available. It has brands such as Coq en Pâte, Fellherz, I Love Mixed Tapes and Päälä. Both ecology and fair trade are core values of the world shop. “The combination is not always easy, especially with textiles, which is why we prefer to work with labels. For example, if the cotton was certified by Fairtrade International, that also says something about the social conditions," it sounds.
We krijgen de vraag wel vaker: ‘Ja, maar, hoe weten we nu dat fair trade wel echt is?’, ‘Ze zeggen zoveel dus ik weet het niet meer, en koop dan maar gewoon zoals voorheen’.