Pure happiness - international chocolate tasting

Valentine's Day is around the corner. Many people are trying to choose the perfect gift for their loved ones. How to celebrate Valentine's Day but not contribute to consumerism too much, at the same time? What would be a perfect fair trade Valentine's idea? A fair trade chocolate!

Chocolate is one of the best gifts, you can think about - it’s loved almost by everybody, it improves mood, it’s good for daily life but also for celebrations. You can also contribute to making the world a better place, by buying chocolate from a fair source.

The choice seems easy - but there is a huge variety of flavors - which chocolate will be the best? We did a small research, asking people from 15 different countries to try a few fair trade brands. Check out - maybe you will find inspiration, which one can become your favorite?

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Oxfam pure chocolate with orange - dark, crunchy, healthy

Delicious, bittersweet combination of Belgian BIO fondant chocolate with cane sugar and fresh orange pieces. At least 72 % cocoa. It’s the perfect choice if you like fruity tastes, that are not dominant. Take your time and get a slow rest, exploring orange pieces put in perfect fair trade chocolate.

“I like it, not too sweet, slightly bitter even I like the orange taste with the chocolate. It has a nice consistency.” - Miguel from Portugal

“Second favorite, dark but I like it more without the orange flavour.” - Frida from Mexico

“Orange flavor but not so intense, a tiny bit of crunchiness.” - Emma from Greece


Oxfam Organic White chocolate almond with caramel - salty, crunchy, unique

It’s a choice for people, who enjoy white chocolate. The taste is not traditional. Almonds and caramel will for sure make a nice surprise. The saltiness and crunchy parts are creating a good experience. It’s making an interesting combination - worth trying.

“White, soft in melting, easy to bite” - Aleksandra from Poland

“Saltiness, crunchy, combination of flavors, the aftertaste reminds me a bit the milky part of “kinder””- Emma from Greece

“Not too sweet and the nuts in it make it unique” - Marie from Cameroon

“Sweet, good consistency, I like the flavor.” - Miguel from Portugal

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Bite to fight from Oxfam Roasted corn - Unique flavor, fabulous, salty and sweet

Belgian milk chocolate with cane sugar and pieces of salty roasted corn. It’s one of the newest flavors of Oxfam’s Bite to Fight. Do you dare to try chocolate, that will give you a popcorn vibe feeling? I dare you - you have to try at least one time in your life.

“Crunchy popcorn, it has a lot of different flavors” - Ece from Turkey

“I’m a fan of this saltiness, it’s very good combination of flavors, good crunchiness, intense with a nice note of cereal” - Emma from Greece

“Soo nice… the nuts in it have a nice taste. It’s in 1st place for me.” - Marie from Cameroon

“It has a unique flavor. Sweet, but I still like it the most.” - Taran from Punjab, India

“This one is my absolutely favorite. Fabulous. Salty and sweet, perfect. Taste of popcorn gives a plus.” - Marina from Italy

“It’s nutty, crunchy and sweet, giving a vibe of cornflakes” - Luna from Belgium

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Bite to fight from Oxfam Praline - Flavorish, creamy, a hug

Belgian milk chocolate with cane sugar and praline filling. It’s soft, it’s melting, it’s falling apart in your hands - all of them in a good way. If you feel like trying a chocolate, that is not structured as hard block, get the completely opposite.

“It’s like caramel, spread in your whole mouth, sweet, yes” - Maud from France

“Soft filling, I could eat it every day” - Aleksandra from Poland

“Perfect balance of milk and chocolate, melting nice in the mouth - two second best” - Marie from Cameroon

“It’s a hug” - Marina from Italy

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Tony Schocolonely white with raspberry and popping candy - sweet and sour balance, popping, an experience

White chocolate with raspberry and popping candy - does it sound serious? Kids would probably love it… but adults? Well, adults also! It’s not a product, to eat every day - but it’s worth experiencing, will make your day a bit more special.

“I like it, it’s something new popping in your mouth” - Romi from the Czech Republic/Vietnam

“The more I eat, the more I discover a new taste - at first I was suspicious because it was sour, but then I tasted the raspberry and found it an interesting flavor. And I liked the sparkling sensation in your mouth and how crunchy it is.” - Mary from Nigeria

“Not so sweet(this phrase is a high compliment for sweets by Chinese standard🤣. The fruit part is balanced with the white chocolate. The popping makes it even better. It is something I would like to buy for Valentine's Day to surprise my partner😄” - Wenzhuo from China

“I don‘t like white chocolate that much but this was surprisingly good, sizzles in my mouth:) 10/10 for Valentine's Day” - Vanessa from Germany


Chocolates From Heaven dark Peru 80% organic - not too sweet nor too bitter, natural

If you are a dark chocolate fan - you would probably love this product. Chocolates from Heaven created a version of dark chocolate, that is not too bitter. A healthy way of eating sweets? Dark chocolate!

“It's well balanced, I liked the taste of pure chocolate, not too sweet nor too bitter, ideal to enjoy with a strong cup of coffee.” - Sjoerd from the Netherlands

“It’s the most natural and doesn’t have so much sugar, but it’s still sweet enough.” - Frida from Mexico

“Dark chocolate is always a good choice. Flavored and shaped.” - Marina from Italy

“I love the bitterness, the consistency, dark chocolate like the culinary one” - Miguel from Portugal

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Truffles from Fauve Chocolade - soft, tasty, nutty filling

These truffles are one of the products from Fauve Chocolade. Their amazing soft structure and melting are some of the best you could experience. Taste is bringing you to another level of tasting chocolate. Make yourself a gift and try truffles from Fauve.

“It’s soft and nice, melting easily, nutty filling, but no nuts, giving a nougaty feeling. Amazing!” - Aleksandra from Poland

“Soft and tasty“ - Ece from Turkey

“Milky, not so sweet, which is good, a bit crunchy” - Wenzhuo from China

“The best texture” - Emma from Greece

“Sweet and creamy, its flavor makes me feel nostalgic about a chocolate I had years ago” - Miguel from Portugal

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Plain chocolate with Brazilian nuts from Fauve Chocolade - crunchy, sweet, surprising

This chocolate has a lot of nuts. It’s a nice addition to your coffee. The long shape is also helpful if you like to melt your chocolate a little bit in a warm drink. You can take them home or visit Fauve and try at the cafe just next door.

“Nuts are crunchy and sweet, like in caramel, it's surprising. It's tasty.” - Aleksandra from Poland

“A nice combination with the crunchiness.” - Vanessa from Germany

“Aperitiv, more as a snack. I like it a lot.” - Frida from Mexico

Where can you find Fair Trade chocolate in Ghent?

How about you?

Have you already discovered your favorite flavor and brand? There are many more of them! It’s a good way to make a gift for yourself. It’s also a nice way to ask somebody: Will you be my Valentine?

Geschreven door Aleksandra Białas

Foto's van Fauve Chocolade door Fauve Bostoen

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