Fair Trade in Ghent? Discover all about it here!


Lands in Resistance - The Illusion of Abundance

Docu screening of The Illusion of Abundance

A film by Erika Gonzalez Ramirez & Matthieu Lietaert


2023, Belgium, 60'

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Afrika Filmfestival Gent - Terra Mater & Demba

Afrika Filmfestival Gent opent met twee krachtige films over verlies, veerkracht en de impact van onze wereld op de mens.

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Want een duurzame universiteit krijgt vorm vanuit haar community

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Laatste nieuws

Fashion Revolution Week 2025

Fashion Revolution Week is coming on 24th April - 10th May! We can lead the change together, but we need you. Join us in fighting to better future of fashion!

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Why Second Hand September is the campaign we all need

Second Hand September aimed to promote the value of second-hand goods and encourage mindful consumption. It serves as a protest against the detrimental effects of fast fashion and the negative impacts of wasteful and unconscious consumption on the environment.

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